About Me

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Harrisburg, PA, United States

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Greetings and salutations

Hi, my name is Chris and this is the start of my blog dedicated to my journey to 180 pounds. I have been fat almost my entire life, and I don’t mean carrying around a few extra pounds. I mean FAT. You know that wonderful sounding phrase “Morbidly Obese”…That is me. I was the kid in school that was made fun of on a constant basis, which in turn added to the problem…to cover up the hurt I ate. Eating made me feel better, even if just for a short time. But eating like that caused me to gain more weight, which in turn caused me to be made fun of, which caused me to eat…It was a vicious cycle. I hated being fat, and my family knew it. My mother tried to help me lose weight by cooking healthy meals, but that didn’t stop me from heading to the corner store and buying my own stash of junk food. It wouldn’t be just a candy bar or a small bag of chips. Nope. It would be spending every last cent I had buying the large bags of chips, 2 liter bottles of soda and candy that I would eat in privacy of my room. My mom even got me a membership to the local gym for my birthday one year, complete with a trainer named Mark. Mark was one of those types of people who saw that fat kid walk in the door and would decide to have some fun with him. He made the whole experience miserable for me, which lead me to quitting after only a few days and retreating back to my horrible eating habits. Once I got my own car and job things just got worse. I had money coming in and easier access to fast food. A typical meal at McDonalds for me consisted of a 20 piece McNugget, and 2 “Supersized” fries and “Supersized” soda. Before I knew it I was pushing 400 pounds. I was miserable and heading for an early grave. Around 2002 I decided that enough was enough and started to eat better and tried to exercise as often as I could. I had some success with losing weight, but not as much as I had hoped. Then in the fall of 2004 my fiancĂ©e Mary and I decided to join Weight Watchers. It was then that the light bulb finally clicked on and I knew I was finally ready. Mary and I we planning our wedding for June of 2005 and I set a goal for myself of being 250 bound by that day. For the first time in my life I set a weight loss goal and reached it. The day of our wedding I weighed in at 249 pounds. After that for me it seemed so easy… we ate healthy, I exercised every day and before I knew it a year later I was 209 pounds. I looked amazing, and I finally could shop in the trendy stores. My goal was in sight!!!!! September 27, 2007. That was the day that fat kid returned with a vengeance. That was the day the company I had worked for over the last 4 and a half years went out of business. Suddenly I was out of a job and had no real routine. Depression hit hard as I struggled to find a new job over the next 2 years. Once again I turned to food to make myself feel better, and in turn undid all that hard work that was started in the fall of 2004. So now here I sit, on March 31, 2010 almost back to being over the 300 pound mark once again. In February we moved out of NJ and to Harrisburg, PA trying to get a fresh start. This blog will be part of that fresh start, the start of me getting back on track to being that guy I was just a few years ago. I know it’s not going to be easy, but I know I can do it. Here we go…..Again :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris~ you did it before and you can do it again! I just joined WW again myself and have my first weigh in tonight. I set a goal for myself for this year. I have a big birthday in October, and want to be "fine and 40" not "fat and 40"! I also want to get down to the weight I was when I met Fug. I'm going to do the best I can to get there!

    Good luck to you on your fresh start! Starting is half the battle and you did that. I'm sure you will be as successful as you were years ago!
